Application to operate the ESP8266's website with NodeMcu firmware and configured web server.
You only need to load the firmware NodeMcu in your ESP8266 and then with Lua programming language start a web server with which to manage GPIO outputs or what you have programmed.
The program is very simple, you only have the option to configure the IP address of ESP8266 or set AutoScan option to let the app find it, it shows you both your ip such as the ESP8266 with alert in the event that the two IPs are not on the same LAN, you can add as many buttons (commands) as you wish.
You can use 1 button and 2 buttons commands, 1 button for pushbuttons, there are people who only need a command and the ESP software does several things (?GPIO = 1). The two-button commands are when you have a relay and you want to control when turn it on and when off, the variable to configure would be ON,OFF (two words separated by a comma) creating two buttons one with the ON word and another with the OFF word, so you call the web server running at the ESP with an URL ended by ?ON=1 and OFF=1 respectively, being 1 the value configured (usually the GPIO to actuate).
The value normally is the GPIO, but can be any character you can handle appropriately in web code.
Sample code to program into ESP8266:
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">应用操作ESP8266的网站,NodeMcu固件和配置的Web服务器。
您可以使用1键和2键命令,1键按钮,还有人谁只需要一个命令和ESP软件也几件事情(?GPIO = 1)。这两个键的命令(两个词用逗号分隔)创建两个按钮中的一个与Word和是当你有一个继电器要控制当打开和关闭时,配置变量为ON,OFF另一个与OFF话,那么你调用Web服务器上运行的ESP与?ON = 1分别关= 1结束的URL,为1配置的值(通常是GPIO来驱动)。
示例代码编程到ESP8266:</div> <div class="show-more-end">